October 5, 2016
Press Release: ReStore Avilla
The Town of Avilla will conduct a public hearing on October 6th, 2016 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Community Center to provide interested citizens the opportunity to learn more about ReStore Avilla, an Indiana Main Street program, and express their views on the relaunch of a completed revitalization master plan. Every effort will be made to allow persons to voice their opinions at the public hearing. Progress made since the completion of the revitalization master plan will be reviewed as well as the next steps which will be taken. The revitalization not only benefits businesses but the community as a whole. Plan to attend so that you can understand how it benefits you and how you can be a part of the revitalization and growth of Avilla. For additional information concerning the public hearing or the downtown revitalization study, please contact Bill Ley, Avilla Town Manager 260-897-2781 or Kevin Kelly, ReStore Avilla 260-242-4898.